
Archive for May 8th, 2007

We have had so much rain since Sunday that the Marmaton river is over it’s banks. Not bad but somewhat flooded. It happens any time we get a lot of rain. I have seen it a whole lot worse! But I thought you might like to see a couple pictures. The river is on the north side of Fort Scott in an area called a flood plain. There are actually a few houses and buildings in that area and they have been flooded many times. Most of fort Scott is up on the hills well away from the area! of course with all the rain our basement was full of water again and took 12 hours to pump out. Hopefully by tomorrow we will have hot water again! Of course we had our leaks in here again. Luckily it is confined to just one area in the doorway of our bedroom. I will be glad when it dries up enough to have the new roof put on! Our landlord is also going to put a permanent sump pump in.
Here is Katie enjoying a small taste of sugar free cool whip!
A barn north of Fort Scott that I really like!
The “castle” house. Sorry it doesn’t show it very good.
Here is the garage! I think it is so neat!
The rose bush is blooming! It appears to be an old fashioned single ruffled type. So that is what is going on around here!

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